Marcel began with necessity
Personally, we didn’t want to piss into a plastic can, we also couldn’t get any separator other than the plastic so we decided to make one by ourselves. And… here we are!

Our products
Handmade porcelan urine diverters for DIY composting toilet
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Read about the latest news and events in our industry
Biodegradable vs compostable – Know Your Labels If you think about it, us humans have developed a set of particular skills passed down from one generation to the next, significant…
When we tell people that we spend time making our urine separators in an Earthship, the information is received almost immediately with a mix of curiosity and awe. It is…
Introduction: The concept of tiny living isn’t news. The very idea of living minimalistic – without being wasteful and excessive – has been living with us rent-free for quite some…
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